Tuesday, July 22, 2008

They say

They say these are the best years of our lives. To be 20-something is the best age to be, right? As my friend's dad recently put it to me - "foot-loose and fancy-free".

I'm not so sure. Wherever I look, I see a generation fraught with doubt and indecision. I see people frustrated that they can't find their calling. I see people begging at their hands and knees to get jobs where they work 80 hours a week and never see the light of day. I see people borrowing sums of money they may never be able to repay - just so that they can become DOCTORS and help people (how ironic is that?). We have a lot to worry about, and a lot to be frustrated about.

There is another side to the coin, though. We know how to laugh. We know the meaning of friendship and community. At our age, we can be passionate without being irresponsible and educational without being boring. We can savor the sweet fruits of the world like no other. We are a generation of contradictions, of ups and downs.

Stay tuned, by the way. Last week's Mike's Bistro adventures are soon to be hot off the presses.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What the heck is "fancy-free"?

Does that mean, has no kids?