Monday, November 5, 2007

Hard To Explain

Nachi Flyshacker has become unstuck in time.

He is lost in a world quite unlike the world he knows. It is a world of symbols and manipulation. He follows the road signs, but they lead him to dead ends. He can see, in the distance, where it is that he wants to be but he can't get there.

The symbols are really confusing him. They blur and rearrange, winking in and out of the picture. Why can't they stand still? Can't we agree on a common language?

It's all Greek to Nachi.

Nachi thinks back to the beginning of this bogus journey. He knows that he is supposed to be going somewhere, that the sages have sent him here to learn something, but his guide is gone and he is left to face the symbols on his own.

Trials. Trials and tribulations. Nachi got through the last one, by the skin of his teeth. But the next is oscillating dangerously before him. Nachi is trapped. Like a cat in a box.

He can only hope now. He has memorized the passwords, though he is not sure when they are to be used. Nachi cannot trust his intuition, for this land is an unintuitive land. His best bet is to fake it.

Uncertainty is running high. But things are certainly as they are meant to be.

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