Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Won't Get Fooled Again

Lesson of the Day
Do not ever do either of the following:
  • Drink coffee which has been sitting out in the coffee pot for over 24 hours
  • Taste a meat-containing dish which your friend has just described as "rancid"
Now, I can't guarantee that these actions will undoubtedly deliver any particular results. However, I can say that today I did both of these things, and that a few hours later I began feeling "queasy" (or, as is referred to in reverse-Spanish slang, "cheesy")

There is only one cure I know of when it comes to feeling queasy. I must simply walk around outside until the queasiness passes. This particular occasion gave me the chance to take a spontaneous tour of campus (does this place EVER get old?!), as well as a chance to say hi to one Shalom Goldberg. I also got to relax on a bench down by the river, where the quiet sounds of the water lapped against me like... water.

Then, on the way home, I decided to throw in the towel and buy some Pepto Bismol. Time to shower.

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