Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Living Stereotype

When I recounted this conversation to Rachel, she didn't think it was particularly funny. But for some reason I found it so stereotypically Israeli.

The characters in this dialogue are all adult faculty members at the Technion, having a conversation in a room I was sitting in. The dialogue is paraphrased.

Man #1: So I just got back from Thailand
Man #2: Yeah?
Man #1: Yeah, two weeks! Last year I went with my wife, and we took the classic Thailand vacation, but this year I went with my son, so we did the safari - the jeeps, the whole thing!
Man #2: Cool!
Woman: Wait, you went to Thailand?
Man #1: Yeah, it was great!
Woman: You know, I've traveled to lots of countries, but I didn't really like Thailand. India and Nepal are so much better.
Man #1: No, Thailand is great. Plus, check it out! [whips out an iPhone] I got this for 300 shekel! Here it's what, 3,000 shekel? Ten times cheaper!
Man #2: Whoa, does that thing have a GPS on it?
Man #1: It's got everything! What doesn't this thing have?
[conversation breaks up as presentation begins]

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