Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cry Baby Cry

Tonight I went to go see "P.S. I Love You" with my two sisters and a friend of ours. Needless to say, the movie had more sap than a maple tree and enough cliches to fill a full season of any self-respecting soap opera. I spent the majority of the movie making cynical comments, yawning and waiting for it to end.

The film built itself up to a penultimate scene which, judging by the sniffles and tissue blowing exhibited by my sisters, was supposed to be emotional. Personally, I did a lot of yawning and laughing. In fact, I did so much yawning and laughing that - lo and behold - I felt actual tears in my eyes.

Go figure.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

X & Y

I have noticed an interesting phenomenon while working in the Rosengarten Reserve in the basement of Van Pelt.

Males around here tend to get a lot of attention from the ladies. Not this male, of course. But I see plenty of others who are affectionately approached by one or two random girls. Yesterday, if I recall, I was sitting next to a guy who seemed to have a steady stream of female fans, many of whom would bequeath him with hugs and kisses.

Often, I see males here in that all-too-common situation where they are conversing with two females, both of whom seem to be competing for his attention. And I see this ALL THE TIME, but more here than anywhere else.

Interestingly, I do not see the reverse. While I see females fawning over males, I cannot recall seeing a male approach a female counterpart in the same way.

What is it about Van Pelt? Is this where the suave, popular guys hang out? Is it the air of sophistication and intrigue that draws women to their men with such a powerful pull? I don't know what it is, but I want to find out. In the interest of social science.