Friday, December 22, 2006

All shook up

I think this website speaks for itself:

Click on the "Don't try this at home" button...

It goes without saying that one of these babies would make a wicked gift.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Old Friends

You find all kinds of interesting things when you start going through your drawers, shelves and closets.

For example, I just found about a whole truckload of road maps. I acquired these road maps several years ago, when I found out that as a AAA member I was entitled to 25 free AAA publications. I decided to spend mine on maps - since most of the state road maps cover 2 states, I figured I'd get all 50.

I think back then I thought the maps would come in handy when I took the wild, liberating, reckless cross-country road trip of my dreams. I never did make it across the country; I went about halfway with Jon M and Shua P, but we decided to turn around once we hit Arkansas.

Now, the maps just sit on my floor. They don't direct anyone. I'm trying to think of a good way to put them to use. I thought it would be cool if I used them as wallpaper, creating one huge map of the US. However, the 2-state maps have one state on each side, so that won't work. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Apparently, the comment thing on this blog is broken, so email me (yolevins@gmail).

Here's some other stuff I found:

Many such photos display the younger versions of people I know. Eventually, I will scan many of them and post them on this blog.

These reminded me that I want to bring my power tools back to school, so that I can carpent during my free time.

Back in high school, after seeing "The Shawshank Redemption" for the first time, I decided to carve myself a chess set out of something. I picked soap. However, I quickly found that people who aren't in prison have better things to do than carve chess sets. So I stopped after one pawn. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll get thrown in the slammer and will be able to pick up where I left off...

Why, you wonder, would I keep such a thing for so long? Well, these tissues were given to me by my piano teacher - possibly 7 or 8 years ago by now. They have music notes printed on them. Needless to say, I have never wanted to use them, for fear of wasting them, and don't plan on ever using them. But I will take them with me until the day I die.

Senior year, WHHS put on "A Few Good Men", and I played the role of PFC William T. Santiago. In a way, he's the star of the play, since he's the subject of the whole plot. In another way, he's not the star, since he is killed in the opening scene and has only 2 lines. In fact, I was only asked to join 2 weeks before production. But I had a great time. I memorized those lines, and recited them with passion. I shaved my head and wore army fatigues. I got beat up on stage by a freshman half my size who shoved a sock in my mouth. Good times.

I'm particularly excited about this. It's kind of a mystery to me why this stuff stuck around rather than get thrown out. However, now that I have it I might as well show it off. I think maybe I'll include one piece in each of my blog posts. I'll let you readers guess whether I wrote it in fifth grade or second. Here's the first one:

The Cat

One day a cat came by
and sat on a hat
His friend came and asked
to play ball with a bat
He said "all right" and they
played ball with a bat

Friday, December 8, 2006

Sugar, Sugar

This morning, I woke up with a completed cookie jar on the table. It had been painted, yes, but its destiny had not yet been completely fulfilled... it was time to fill the sucker with cookies.

But not just any cookies.

Since this cookie jar is going to be a gift for my good friends (and newly-engaged-couple) Noam Greenberg and Sarah Zeidel - may they not see this blog before tomorrow night lest the surprise be ruined - I had to make cookies that would be tailored to their needs.

The dough
I decided to go with a classic Flyshack family recipe - the Queen's famed Hamantaschen dough. This stuff is good all year round, no matter what the occasion. It would serve nicely for my sugar cookies.

The shape
Hearts, of course. These people are getting married, man.

The design
This was a bit complicated. I wanted to incorporate their initials (“N” and “S” would suffice), and I also wanted to do it in blue and white – besides the obvious Tzioni motif, they also happen to be the colors of Yale, Noam and Sarah’s stomping ground.

The icing
After consulting my local baking expert (Mrs. Rebecca Wertheimer), we decided that the appropriate icing for the job was “royal icing”. This icing dried hard, so that the cookies could be stacked without smearing away the design. For coloring, I used a concentrated jar of blue icing coloring (yes, they actually make this stuff).

And so, music trying to blast out of my laptop’s mediocre speakers, I whirled around the kitchen, making cookies. Two hours later, I stood back to survey my work, and snap a few photos.

The result

C is for Cookie

Todays project: Operation Cookie Jar

The goal was simple. I wanted to buy a cookie jar as an engagement present for my friend and his fiancee. So I set off to my local Bed, Bath and Beyond! superstore, confident that I would find the jar of my dreams. I was hoping to find one that said "cookies" on it, but alas... BB&B could only offer me a nondescript glass container.

Sometimes, life throws you lemons. Looking at that undecorated jar, I realized that I was being thrown a lemon. And darn it, I decided to make lemonade.

I was going to make my own cookie jar.

After a quick trip to the art store, I sat in the dining room at Flyshack Palace with all my supplies. I had special glass paint, brushes, and a stencil. I ended up ditching the stencil because the surface was not flat, but I still managed to paint one heck of a design, if I may say so myself.

You know, sometimes having a lot of free time on your hands isn't all that bad.

Stay tuned for tomorrow, when I chronicle my attempt to bake cookies to fill this marvelous jar...