Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bad Sign

There's a cool website called Midomi, where you can hum a tune and see what songs have that tune.

I tried it out on a tune that I wrote recently. I find it catchy and I like it a lot. The good news is that it doesn't appear to be a rip off of anything else, so I can go forward with it. The bad news is that the music it apparently sounds the most like is Hillary Duff and Hanna Montana.

That gets to me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The ABCs Of My Internet (Courtesy of Google Chrome)

For those of you who still use IE or Firefox: When one types into Google Chrome's search bar, the browser automatically tries to help you find what you are looking for, based on your browsing history.  Even a single letter will prompt a suggestion.  

Here is what Google Chrome suggests for me, letter by letter.  

A is for amazon
B is for better place
D is for diigo
E is for ebay
F is for fdu (unclear why...)
G is for google (duh)
H is for hulu
I is for google images
J is for janglo
K is for keytar inc
L is for linkedin
M is for maalot
N is for google news
P is for paypal
Q is for nothing (search google for q? perhaps q tip?)
R is for rotten tomatoes
S is for sustainability index
T is for twitter
V is for verizon
W is for weather
X is for xkcd
Y is for youtube
Z is for zipcar